Sunday, July 16, 2017

聖經的英文, 2017.07.14

聖經 66, The Bible
舊約 27, The Old Testament
新約 39, The New Testament

經, 常, 恆
約, 律, 則

//=== 卷, 章, 節







以上六處經文中,同時比較了英文版欽定本聖經(King James Version Bible)與西班牙文聖經節完全相同。
比如“罗马书一章2节”的英文是\"The book of Romans, Chapter one, verse two\".

段: Ⅰ量詞(部分) section; segment; part; paragraph; passage Ⅱ名詞(姓氏) a surname
落: 落名詞[方言] (北方對蓮花落的俗稱) a kind of folk song
章: 名詞1 (歌曲詩文的段落) chapter; verse; section 2 (條理) order 3 (作品) literary writing 4 ...
節: 節構詞成分。
段落: 1. (文章的一段) paragraph; section 2. (階段) phase; stage; conclusion of a part
章節: chapters and sections
Book = 書
Chapter = 章
Verse = 節

Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1 = In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth....

福音, Gospel /g'as p.l/ ; Evangelium /ivang'e li.m/
the teachings of Jesus Christ

Deutsch dictionary



Jesus, 耶穌 /dzh'i: z.s/
Christ, 基督

preacher, 傳道士 /pri':tsh.r/
pastor, 牧師
priest, 神父 /pri:st/
Pastor, 基督教的牧師
Minister, 基督教的牧師, = Pastor
Reverend, 基督教牧師的尊稱,口語常用
Bishop, 資深基督教牧師的尊稱
Priest, 天主教神父(或基督教牧師)
Father, 天主教神父 = Priest
Vicar, 天主教神父的尊稱,負責一個教區
Clergyman, Cleric 神職人員
pastor vs preacher

People of Christian faith are often confused between two of the prominent figures of a congregation ‘“ the pastor and the preacher. Most people use the terms interchangeably, which can be fine for some since some pastors are also preachers. Even church members mistake one with the other and most of the time, they are corrected by the said pastor or preacher.

Preachers, technically, are the ones who proclaim and spread the word of God. They are usually great motivational speakers. Preachers do not necessarily perform pastoral works unless that particular preacher is also a pastor by vocation.

The term pastor is rooted on its meaning or origin as ‘shepherd’. Since shepherd is associated as an overseer of the flock, it is just appropriate that an overseer of a congregation is called a shepherd. Pastors, being shepherds, guide their church members towards salvation. Technically, pastors functions as a physical, spiritual, relational and social administrator of a congregation.



pastor vs. priest

The word priest has its origins in the Greek word presbyteros and the Latin word presbyter. It essentially means elder. It is typically used to describe a pastor or minister who serves in the Catholic or Greek Orthodox traditions.
A generally consistent way of looking at it is that a Christian leader tends to be called a priest if he or she serves in an historic Christian tradition that emphasizes liturgical worship, including an emphasis on the celebration of the Eucharist or Mass.

While a priest may be called a pastor, in the term’s general sense, most pastors are not called priests, according to Patheos.


Priests in the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions must be male. Catholic priests must be celibate, though Greek Orthodox priests can marry prior to ordination, and Anglican priests, who can be either male or female within the American branches of the tradition, may marry. Protestant pastors are not required to be celibate, but only some Protestant denominations ordain women as pastors.

//=== 神學, theology /thi 'al.dzhi/

//=== 基督教 vs. 天主教

Christian / Catholic religion

Jerusalem /dzh.r'us.l.m/

Jesus love you.

brainwashing, brainwash
to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them
Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently,

messiah /m.'sai./ 彌賽亞, 救世主
a leader who is believed to have the power to solve the world's problems

the Messiah

in the Christian religion, Jesus Christ

in the Jewish religion, the King of the Jews who will be sent by God