Saturday, January 20, 2018

This is not a drill

This is not a drill.

This is not a false alarm.


'This is not a drill': Hawaiians get false alert of missile attack due to ...
'This Is Not A Drill': A False Ballistic Missile Alert Shakes Hawaii


A Hawaii Civil Defense Warning Device will sound an alarm during natural disasters. In December, the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency tested a statewide alert tone signaling nuclear threat.

Hawaii residents and tourists alike were shaken shortly after 8 a.m. local time Saturday when a push notification alerted those in the state to a missile threat, causing an immediate panic until officials confirmed it was a false alarm.

Emergency Alert
read the message, which also blared across Hawaiian televisions stations.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, confirmed the false alarm on Twitter 12 minutes after the errant message was sent. But it took about 38 minutes for another push notification to arrive on phones declaring there was no real danger.

Vern Miyagi, the agency's administrator, apologized and said the false alarm was caused by a "human error," when the wrong button was pushed during a shift-change drill.

drill rig
drilling rig
offshore oil rig

A drilling rig is a machine that creates holes in the earth sub-surface.
Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill
water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction wells,
they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person and such are called augers


Drilling rigs can be mobile equipment mounted on trucks, tracks or trailers, or more permanent land or marine-based structures (such as oil platforms, commonly called 'offshore oil rigs' even if they don't contain a drilling rig).
The term "rig" therefore generally refers to the complex equipment that is used to penetrate the surface of the Earth's crust.
It is also referred to as a Hoopanoo as slang in certain parts of the United States of America.

Auger drilling
Auger drilling is done with a helical screw which is driven into the ground with rotation; the earth is lifted up the borehole by the blade of the screw. Hollow stem auger drilling is used for softer ground such as swamps where the hole will not stay open by itself for environmental drilling, geotechnical drilling, soil engineering and geochemistry reconnaissance work in exploration for mineral deposits. Solid flight augers/bucket augers are used in harder ground construction drilling. In some cases, mine shafts are dug with auger drills. Small augers can be mounted on the back of a utility truck, with large augers used for sinking piles for bridge foundations.
Auger drilling is restricted to generally soft unconsolidated material or weak weathered rock. It is cheap and fast.

Percussion rotary air blast drilling (RAB)[edit]
RAB drilling is used most frequently in the mineral exploration industry. (This tool is also known as a Down-the-hole drill.) The drill uses a pneumatic reciprocating piston-driven "hammer" to energetically drive a heavy drill bit into the rock. The drill bit is hollow, solid steel and has ~20 mm thick tungsten rods protruding from the steel matrix as "buttons". The tungsten buttons are the cutting face of the bit.

Air core drilling
... Where possible, air core drilling is preferred over RAB drilling as it provides a more representative sample.
Cable tool drilling
These slow rigs have mostly been replaced by rotary drilling rigs in the U.S.
this drilling method has largely been supplanted in recent years by other, faster drilling techniques, it is still the most practicable drilling method for large diameter, deep bedrock wells, and in widespread use for small rural water supply wells.
Cable tool rigs now are nearly obsolete in the United States. They are mostly used in Africa or Third-World countries.

漱口, 刷牙, 洗臉的英文

漱口 束髮 shu
速度 su

漱口, gargle (狀聲字?), rinse mouth, rinse mouth out

刷牙, brush teeth
牙刷, tooth brush

洗臉,wash face
洗面乳, face wash(wash 作名詞用),facial cleanser
洗臉盆, washbasin, washbowl

mouthwash, n, 漱口水

Mouthwash, mouth rinse, oral rinse or mouth bath, is a liquid
which is held in the mouth passively or swilled around the mouth
by contraction of the perioral muscles and/or movement of the head,
and may be gargled,
Washing out mouth with soap is a traditional form of physical punishment that consists in placing soap, or a similar cleansing agent, inside a person's mouth so that the person will taste it,
rinse someone's mouth out (with soap)
wash someone's mouth out (with soap)

,,, to punish one by washing one's mouth out with soap,
especially for using foul language. (Usually a jocular threat.)


verb [ T ] ,​ /rɪns/

to use water to clean soap or dirt from something:

* Rinse the silverware before drying it.
* Don’t forget to rinse the dishes off.
* Did you rinse out your bathing suit?

to rinse sth off
to rinse mouth out

* rinsing your mouth out after brushing your teeth isn't a good idea.
* rinsing your mouth after brushing may not be the right thing to do.
“Spit don’t rinse” for better oral health

(62%) of us rinse our mouth with water after brushing our teeth,
which actually makes us more prone to developing tooth decay.
Dr Carter said: “Rinsing our mouth with water is very bad for our teeth as it washes away the protective fluoride left behind by brushing.
“By spitting toothpaste out then not rinsing with water it ensures that the fluoride found in the majority of toothpastes will remain on the teeth and continue to be effective.”
one in seven (14%) prefer to rinse our mouth out with mouthwash.



Wash-basin traps , 洗臉盆存水彎
Wash-basin wastes and traps

shower traps
shower waste traps

sink traps , 廚房水槽落水

bathtub drainers
bathtub drain catches

Bathroom Drainers - Bottle Trap, Waste Coupling, Cockroach Trap

Wall-hung wash basins - connecting dimensions

Pedestal wash basins
Counter Top, countertop, (厨房的)工作檯面, 浴室的洗手台
Vanity Top, 盥洗台
Lavatories from sanitary china ; main - connecting and fitting measurements , requirements , testing

Original , the bohai sea is a sea basin , resemble lavatory same , all around tall , among low

//=== paste

* paste 當名詞 可以用來指膏/泥狀物
*「豆沙」 = bean paste

paste, n,
a thick, wet substance used for sticking things together, or
any soft, wet mixture of powder and liquid:

黏性物質, 糊;麵糰;(尤指)漿糊, 醬

* Use paste, glue, or tape to attach the pictures.
* tomato paste


1. 洗髮乳, shampoo, 聽起來像 “香撲” –

2. 潤髮乳, conditioner (not air conditioner)

3. 護髮乳, hair mask, 頭髮也要敷面膜?

4. 洗面乳, face wash, facial cleanser

5. 牙膏, tooth paste

6. 刮鬍膏, shaving cream (not shaving paste)--> "泡沫"慕斯

7. 沐浴乳, shower gel, shower cream
通常gel都是半透明的那種凝膠狀 ...

8. 去角質, exfoliator / scrub,

scrub 的話通常是指那種裡面有顆粒的磨砂膏那一款的,

9. 洗手乳, hand wash / hand soap(皂)
。。。 hand cream 是 護手霜 。。。

10. 身體乳液, body lotion / body cream / body moisturizer (護膚/保溼)

... lotion的話就是比cream還要清爽一點的乳液,
而cream就是較濃稠的霜狀了 ...

11. 沐浴球, shower ball,

12. 刮鬍刀, razor, shaver
... 人工刮鬍刀是用razor這個字,而shaver的話指的是電動刮鬍刀 ,,,

13. 浴帽, shower cap,



Friday, January 19, 2018


百視達 , 連鎖DVD出租店, 倒閉了?
Blockbuster LLC,
Blockbuster Entertainment Inc.


a book or film that is very successful:
a blockbuster movie/novel


1940s (denoting a huge aerial bomb capable of destroying a whole block of streets): from block + buster.

blockbuster pill
A prescription drug that surpasses $1 billion in sales is known as a blockbuster.
It's a rare feat, but when a pharmaceutical company finds a true blockbuster drug
the payoff is enormous.
How enormous? Check out the three best-selling prescription drugs of all time.

Blockbuster Drug #1: Lipitor
Company: Pfizer (PFE)
Treats: High cholesterol
Lifetime sales: $150.1 billion

Originally developed by Warner-Lambert, Lipitor was approved in the U.S. in 1997.
Pfizer acquired its rival in 2000 to gain sole ownership of the cholesterol-fighting drug
- and it was well worth it.
At one point, Lipitor accounted for one-fourth of Pfizer's sales. The patent expired in 2011.

Blockbuster Drug #2: Humira
Company: AbbVie (ABBV)
Treats: Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, Crohn's disease, plaque psoriasis, ulcerative colitis
Lifetime sales: $109.2 billion

Doctors praise Humira's ability to combat damaging inflammation caused by a number of diseases. Sales will likely peak in 2018 as the drug begins to lose patent protection, but it's been a heck of a run. Humira is owned by AbbVie, an industry giant that was spun off from Abbott Labs in 2013.

Blockbuster Drug #3: Advair
Company: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Treats: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma
Lifetime sales: $95.7 billion

Advair has been a huge seller since its approval in 2001. And even though its U.S. patent expired in 2010, no successful generic competitor has surfaced. Copying the drug isn't the problem. Rather, rivals have yet to figure out how to copy the inhaler. Until they do, Glaxo investors can breathe easy.


Netflix 曾經向百視達提議併購,但被百視達嗤之以鼻。

你知道嗎?亞馬遜以及沃爾瑪都曾加入線上租片的混戰當中,但 Netflix 存活下來了。

你有沒有過這個疑問:人家說百視達輸給 Netflix 是因為固守門市不知變通,但百視達也不傻,一樣推出線上租片不就能跟 Netflix 一決高下了嗎?門市是否真的如此沒價值?


...Netflix 與百視達都發生過致命錯誤,百視達也曾差點翻轉戰局,在當時的情境下,其實很難看出鹿死誰手,

...2000 年,網飛估計將虧損 5,740 萬美元,因此決定找百視達結盟,並建議百視達用五千萬美元收購網飛,被嗤之以鼻。


...2003 年初,網飛宣布達到百萬訂戶,安提奧科開始關注線上 DVD 租借。
百視達以一百萬美元併購一家小型線上 DVD 租借公司 

... 2003 年年底,百視達「門市還是線上」的路線之爭越演越烈,最後,安提奧科給伊凡吉利斯一筆資金,讓他獨立運作,但不能干擾門市業務。




gargle ?

//=== yay!(耶!!!! 歡呼聲)
yay != yes
yes == yup == yep == yeah
Yea 是個古字,一千多年前出現,跟yes的意思一樣,不過在現代,人們大多將這個字用於投票上,代表贊成票。(nay是反對票)
e.g Would you like to vote yea or nay for the bill?
Ya 雖然可以當作更簡短版的yeah,... 更常被當作you來使用,用在一般口語對話裡。
e.g. Let’s call it a day. See ya! 今天就到此為止吧,see you!



1. Weee!!(歡呼聲)

2.yay!(耶!!!! 歡呼聲)

3. Awww(噢~~~)
發出來的聲音與用法都跟 Ohh~~ 差不多,可以表達非常驚訝、感動,

4. Ha(哈)

5. Nah 或 NAAAAHH(才沒有、才不是)
其實就是 no 的用法,只是比較隨便、比較口語的說法。

6. Boooo(長音:表示不滿的噓聲)
毫不留情地大喊 “Booo~~~”,還會搭配大拇指向下的手勢,


7. Meh(隨便、無聊、都不怎麼樣)

8. Bla bla bla….(布拉布拉布拉~~~表示省略一堆話沒講)

9. Ouch! (表達很痛)

10. Eww(表達噁心,矮額~~~)

11. Uggh(嘔吐聲,或表示噁心的 噁~~~~)
可以用來模仿嘔吐的聲音,或者用來表達你覺得 超 噁 心 !

12. Eeeeeek(驚叫)
通常是深受驚嚇的叫聲,而非感動的驚呼。比如說在深夜猛然看到鼠輩或者會飛的蟑螂,此時使用 Eeeeeeeeeeek! 就相當合適。

13. Hmm(猶豫聲,呃….)
在中文表達猶豫不決、或者吞吞吐吐時,常會說「嗯……呃………那個…..」,用英文就是以 Hmm 來說。

14. Psst(跟別人小聲打暗號的聲音)

15. Duh(廢話!)

16. Shh(噓)
常見的要人降低音量的聲音,也可以用 Hush! 來替代。

17. Oops!(驚呼)

18. Uh huh(嗯哼)
表示有聽到的應聲,也可以表達 yes,但是加上一點敷衍的感覺。

Sunday, January 7, 2018

boon vs boom, 蚊子館 的英文, boomdoggle


boon : something good or very helpful:
Spring rains are a boon to local farmers.

GOP Tax Bill Is A Boon For Oil And Gas
[boom as noun]
boom : a period of sudden economic growth:
Somehow farmers have survived the booms and busts of the past 50 years.

boom : pole
In television and movie making, a boom is a long, movable pole that has a microphone (= device that records sound) or camera on one end.

boom: a deep, loud sound,
What you heard was the boom of a rocket.

[boom as verb]
[ I/T ] to make a deep, loud sound:
[ I ] A voice boomed through the microphone.
[ I ] to grow suddenly, to experience a period of sudden economic growth:
At that time, Alaska was booming.

//=== baby boom, baby boomer嬰兒潮
嬰兒潮(baby boom),指的是在某一時期及特定地區,出生率大幅度提昇的現象。

在英文,形容嬰兒潮時期出生的人為「baby boomer」。



noun [ C ] US ​ /ˈbunˌdɑɡ·əl, -ˌdɔ·ɡəl/
​an expensive program that is a waste of money, esp. one using public money:

Voters say they are fed up with such boondoggles.

an unnecessary and expensive piece of work, especially one that is paid for by the public

The senator called the new highways proposal "a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate."

boondoggle 讓我想到蚊子館

pink elephant:酒後幻覺
white elephant:大而無當之物,如現今流行的蚊子館
“mosquito halls”

大巨蛋目前比較像是 mothball, 希望以後不會變成 “mosquito halls”

verb [ T ] UK ​ /ˈmɒθ.bɔːl/ US ​ /ˈmɑːθ.bɑːl/

to stop work on an idea, plan, or job, but leaving it in such a way that you can start on it again at some point in the future

Six coal mines were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.

the problem of “mosquito halls,”or publicly constructed facilities that quickly fall into disuse.


[[丁文志理事長 雲林五港社區發展協會]]

抽海砂、填海造陸,花了台灣人民200多億的血汗錢,就像被丟在海裡,一丟 20年。

[[丁文志 理事長 雲林五港社區發展協會]]




noun [ C ] /luːn/ /luːn/
a large North American bird that eats fish

noun [ C ] (CRAZY PERSON)
​informal a person who is crazy, silly, or strange


res 的發音, resurrection vs restoration

//=== res 的 s 的發音
res在子音之前 --> /s/
res在母音之前 --> /z/



restoration /rest. r'ei sh.n/
resurrection /rez. r'ek sh.n/

but ...

resit, resat
--> re-'wordroot' --> 跟隨字根發音

if a word begins with 's', the beginning 's' is usually pronounced as /s/
except 'sh-' or 'sch-' .

sibling /s'ibling/
surrender /s.r'end.r/
search /s'3rtsch/

noun [ C or U ] UK ​ /ˌres.tərˈeɪ.ʃən/ US ​ /ˌres.təˈreɪ.ʃən/
noun [ U ] UK ​ /ˌrez.ərˈek.ʃən/ US ​ /ˌrez.əˈrek.ʃən/


stop vs stoop

stop /st'a p/
stoop /st'u: p/

//=== stoop, 屈身, 彎腰, 佝僂

Gospel, John, chapter20
5 He stooped and looked in and saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he didn’t go in.

... Mary Magdalene
11 Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in.


//=== stop
stop in / stop on /stop over
stop by / stop at

//=== neck of the woods
两百来年前。当时的美国人正往美洲大陆的西部迁移 ...
他們把在森林里开辟出来的安家落户的小小地带称为neck of the woods。

My neck of the woods is a little town in Kansas, out in the middle of wheat fields.
I was born and grew up there, ...

... 这里的习惯用语 neck of the woods 指某人出生和成长的老家或者故乡。

Neck of the woods也能泛指面积不大的邻近地区或者地段,...
We were down in your neck of the woods last weekend,
neck of the woods, 英文諺語,附近的意思。
please come visit us when you are in the neck of the woods.
如果某事在你家附近發生, 你可以說: it happens in my neck of the woods

I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods,but in New York,
the only reason anyone goes to a wedding is for the food.


Is there any difference between 'stop by' and 'stop in at' here?
1. I need to stop in at the library.
2. I need to stop by the library.

stop over, to stop briefly in the course of a journey: Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods. Our tour will stop over briefly in Turin to see the famous shroud.

stop in, to make a brief, incidental visit: If you're in town, be sure to stop in.

stop by, to make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere: I'll stop by on my way home.
In your example, "stop by" is the most fitting.

Stop in- is not a clearly recognizable phase in the US to my knowledge.

You can say, however, “I am going to stop by the bank later” meaning you have a small bank errand which requires you to make a short stop for. Stop by/ Drop by hints a short -time notion.


[ I am on a bus] Could you stop by/at/on/in 23rd and Pine?

"Stop at" is a definitive stop, with the emphasis on a particular location; this is the most appropriate usage for the bus making a stop.

When used as a verb "stop by" connotes a brief pauses, and usually implies continued motion after the pause. "By" could also be used as a synonym of "near", as in "Stop by (near) the intersection", with a meaning more similar to "stop at". The difference here is subtle and usually requires more context to distinguish.

"Stop on" and "stop in" wouldn't apply here. "Stop on" might refer to stopping in a bounded or contained region (a chess piece might "stop on" a square), "stop in" is generally used for a person visiting another person, often in a building or other closed structure (ex: "Stop in after work, I'd love to see you.")

You have to use at or by there. One stops at the intersection of 23rd and Pine.
The others don’t work in the bus context

Saturday, January 6, 2018


雨衣 : raincoat, mackintosh, waterproof coat

mackintosh [跟頻果的麥金塔電腦的名字很像]
The Mackintosh is named after its Scottish inventor Charles Macintosh, although many writers added a letter k. The variant spelling of "Mackintosh" is now standard. ...

雨褲 : rain pants [與 raincoat 不同, 兩個字通常是分開的 ]
pants 常指 短褲 , 但也可以指 長褲

shell pants ?
ski pants
snow pants
snowboard pants

shell fabric ?

Soft-shell pants are made of high-performance synthetic fabrics that are resistant to abrasions & tears.
They hold up extremely well to mountain abuse. They are typically water-resistant (not water proof)
which means they are breathable and shed light rain and snow and dry quickly when they get wet.

Some ski and snowboard pants are offered in a softshell material, which, while they’re stretchy and super-comfortable, won’t be quite as waterproof as most ‘hardshell’ pants.

insulated ski pants might be the preferred choice over shell pants.

there is no formal industry-wide definition for the terms “soft shell” and “hard shell.”

Some of the most confusing terms in outdoor gear are the names “hard shell” and “soft shell.”

When most people hear those two terms, they think
a hard shell is just that—firm to the touch, waterproof and breathable, good for shucking off precipitation and keeping you dry.

Say “soft shell” and most folks think of a warm, flexible shell that breathes well and moves with them during athletic endeavors
but won’t be much use when the weather gets wet.


3-In-1 pants have a waterproof and weatherproof shell that is on the outside with a wicking or insulating layer that can be snapped or zipped into the inside of the ....
