Friday, January 19, 2018


百視達 , 連鎖DVD出租店, 倒閉了?
Blockbuster LLC,
Blockbuster Entertainment Inc.


a book or film that is very successful:
a blockbuster movie/novel


1940s (denoting a huge aerial bomb capable of destroying a whole block of streets): from block + buster.

blockbuster pill
A prescription drug that surpasses $1 billion in sales is known as a blockbuster.
It's a rare feat, but when a pharmaceutical company finds a true blockbuster drug
the payoff is enormous.
How enormous? Check out the three best-selling prescription drugs of all time.

Blockbuster Drug #1: Lipitor
Company: Pfizer (PFE)
Treats: High cholesterol
Lifetime sales: $150.1 billion

Originally developed by Warner-Lambert, Lipitor was approved in the U.S. in 1997.
Pfizer acquired its rival in 2000 to gain sole ownership of the cholesterol-fighting drug
- and it was well worth it.
At one point, Lipitor accounted for one-fourth of Pfizer's sales. The patent expired in 2011.

Blockbuster Drug #2: Humira
Company: AbbVie (ABBV)
Treats: Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, Crohn's disease, plaque psoriasis, ulcerative colitis
Lifetime sales: $109.2 billion

Doctors praise Humira's ability to combat damaging inflammation caused by a number of diseases. Sales will likely peak in 2018 as the drug begins to lose patent protection, but it's been a heck of a run. Humira is owned by AbbVie, an industry giant that was spun off from Abbott Labs in 2013.

Blockbuster Drug #3: Advair
Company: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
Treats: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma
Lifetime sales: $95.7 billion

Advair has been a huge seller since its approval in 2001. And even though its U.S. patent expired in 2010, no successful generic competitor has surfaced. Copying the drug isn't the problem. Rather, rivals have yet to figure out how to copy the inhaler. Until they do, Glaxo investors can breathe easy.


Netflix 曾經向百視達提議併購,但被百視達嗤之以鼻。

你知道嗎?亞馬遜以及沃爾瑪都曾加入線上租片的混戰當中,但 Netflix 存活下來了。

你有沒有過這個疑問:人家說百視達輸給 Netflix 是因為固守門市不知變通,但百視達也不傻,一樣推出線上租片不就能跟 Netflix 一決高下了嗎?門市是否真的如此沒價值?


...Netflix 與百視達都發生過致命錯誤,百視達也曾差點翻轉戰局,在當時的情境下,其實很難看出鹿死誰手,

...2000 年,網飛估計將虧損 5,740 萬美元,因此決定找百視達結盟,並建議百視達用五千萬美元收購網飛,被嗤之以鼻。


...2003 年初,網飛宣布達到百萬訂戶,安提奧科開始關注線上 DVD 租借。
百視達以一百萬美元併購一家小型線上 DVD 租借公司 

... 2003 年年底,百視達「門市還是線上」的路線之爭越演越烈,最後,安提奧科給伊凡吉利斯一筆資金,讓他獨立運作,但不能干擾門市業務。

