Saturday, January 20, 2018

漱口, 刷牙, 洗臉的英文

漱口 束髮 shu
速度 su

漱口, gargle (狀聲字?), rinse mouth, rinse mouth out

刷牙, brush teeth
牙刷, tooth brush

洗臉,wash face
洗面乳, face wash(wash 作名詞用),facial cleanser
洗臉盆, washbasin, washbowl

mouthwash, n, 漱口水

Mouthwash, mouth rinse, oral rinse or mouth bath, is a liquid
which is held in the mouth passively or swilled around the mouth
by contraction of the perioral muscles and/or movement of the head,
and may be gargled,
Washing out mouth with soap is a traditional form of physical punishment that consists in placing soap, or a similar cleansing agent, inside a person's mouth so that the person will taste it,
rinse someone's mouth out (with soap)
wash someone's mouth out (with soap)

,,, to punish one by washing one's mouth out with soap,
especially for using foul language. (Usually a jocular threat.)


verb [ T ] ,​ /rɪns/

to use water to clean soap or dirt from something:

* Rinse the silverware before drying it.
* Don’t forget to rinse the dishes off.
* Did you rinse out your bathing suit?

to rinse sth off
to rinse mouth out

* rinsing your mouth out after brushing your teeth isn't a good idea.
* rinsing your mouth after brushing may not be the right thing to do.
“Spit don’t rinse” for better oral health

(62%) of us rinse our mouth with water after brushing our teeth,
which actually makes us more prone to developing tooth decay.
Dr Carter said: “Rinsing our mouth with water is very bad for our teeth as it washes away the protective fluoride left behind by brushing.
“By spitting toothpaste out then not rinsing with water it ensures that the fluoride found in the majority of toothpastes will remain on the teeth and continue to be effective.”
one in seven (14%) prefer to rinse our mouth out with mouthwash.



Wash-basin traps , 洗臉盆存水彎
Wash-basin wastes and traps

shower traps
shower waste traps

sink traps , 廚房水槽落水

bathtub drainers
bathtub drain catches

Bathroom Drainers - Bottle Trap, Waste Coupling, Cockroach Trap

Wall-hung wash basins - connecting dimensions

Pedestal wash basins
Counter Top, countertop, (厨房的)工作檯面, 浴室的洗手台
Vanity Top, 盥洗台
Lavatories from sanitary china ; main - connecting and fitting measurements , requirements , testing

Original , the bohai sea is a sea basin , resemble lavatory same , all around tall , among low

//=== paste

* paste 當名詞 可以用來指膏/泥狀物
*「豆沙」 = bean paste

paste, n,
a thick, wet substance used for sticking things together, or
any soft, wet mixture of powder and liquid:

黏性物質, 糊;麵糰;(尤指)漿糊, 醬

* Use paste, glue, or tape to attach the pictures.
* tomato paste


1. 洗髮乳, shampoo, 聽起來像 “香撲” –

2. 潤髮乳, conditioner (not air conditioner)

3. 護髮乳, hair mask, 頭髮也要敷面膜?

4. 洗面乳, face wash, facial cleanser

5. 牙膏, tooth paste

6. 刮鬍膏, shaving cream (not shaving paste)--> "泡沫"慕斯

7. 沐浴乳, shower gel, shower cream
通常gel都是半透明的那種凝膠狀 ...

8. 去角質, exfoliator / scrub,

scrub 的話通常是指那種裡面有顆粒的磨砂膏那一款的,

9. 洗手乳, hand wash / hand soap(皂)
。。。 hand cream 是 護手霜 。。。

10. 身體乳液, body lotion / body cream / body moisturizer (護膚/保溼)

... lotion的話就是比cream還要清爽一點的乳液,
而cream就是較濃稠的霜狀了 ...

11. 沐浴球, shower ball,

12. 刮鬍刀, razor, shaver
... 人工刮鬍刀是用razor這個字,而shaver的話指的是電動刮鬍刀 ,,,

13. 浴帽, shower cap,

