Sunday, October 15, 2017


毛毛雨的英文, drizzle (雨絲?) or sprinkle(滴了幾滴?)
無聲的雨丝 silent drizzle

drizzle /ˈdrɪz·əl/
* noun
[ U ] ​a slight rain:
We had fog and drizzle earlier, but now it’s sunny.

[ S ] a small amount of liquid that is lightly poured over something:
Serve the pasta with a drizzle of olive oil.

* verb
[ I ] to rain in small light drops:
It's been drizzling all day.

[ T ] to pour liquid slowly over something, especially in a thin line or in small dr
Drizzle the syrup over the warm cake.


陣雨, shower
雷陣雨, thunder shower
大雨, heavy rain
豪雨, extremely heavy rain

大豪雨, torrential rain :24小時累積雨量達350毫米以上。

超大豪雨 extremely torrential rain :24小時累積雨量達500毫米以上。

take a rain check 改天, 另約, 延期
to take a rain check on sth.
to save sth for a rainy day

as right as rain
--> 一切正常、身體健康

I feel as right as rain after taking the medicine. (吃完藥後我覺得好多了。)

rain check 原是指「(體育比賽因雨改期再賽時)可延期使用的票」,後來引伸到生活當中,用來表示延期、改天的意思。
In baseball, a rain check is a ticket issued to spectators which admits them to the ballpark at a later date at no additional cost to the ticket holder. It is issued if a game is cancelled due to rain or other inclement weather, or if a game has been started but suspended due to inclement weather prior to the point of becoming an official game ...

*** inclement weather
inclement /in kl'em.nt/, adj, unpleasant (weather), cold windy and rainy

似乎沒有人用 rain ticket?
Is it possible to purchase a rail ticket in advance and receive a discount going from Lux. to Antwerp? If so do I purchase this ticket from the Lux National Rail Company?

Thank you for any help.

炸雞排 + 一點點胡椒粉 的英文