Saturday, October 7, 2017

感冒好了 的英文

//=== by google search
My cold is gone
to get over my cold
to get rid of my cold
to recover from my cold
to recover faster from the flu
to cure a cold in one day
Why can't we cure the common cold?

Have you got over your cold yet ? 你的感冒好了没有?
Have you gotten over your cold?
Have you recovered from the cold ?

a cold , the cold, my cold

//=== be cured of

xxx He was cured from cancer.
vvv He was cured of cancer.

He suffered from cancer.
He was treated for cancer.
He was cured of cancer.
He recovered from cancer.

Another example:

I had a bad habit of biting my nails.
I sought treatment for my habit.
I was cured of the bad habit.

//=== sore === painful === aching

n. ache /e:k/, --> a. aching /e:king/

//=== flu, a flu, the flu, cold, a cold, the cold ?

--> a cold and the flu


"I've got the flu" / "I've had the flu" and "I've got a cold" / "I've had a cold".

The flu and a cold aren't the same thing.

The flu is a virus, if you get the influenza virus you got the flu.

You can get a cold because you caught cold weather or because of temperature differences.

The flu is much worse than a cold, if you get the flu you usually get a temperature, your back, your head and everything else hurts, sometimes you throw up, you can't eat and so on. A cold is simply sneezing and coughing.

A cold is also a virus infection - one of many viruses.
I say, I've got the flu (whichever one is going around at the moment that all my friends and colleagues have and are aware of -- so no need to name it).
I never say I've got a flu (which would strike me as saying I have one of several strains of available flu but I don't know which one).
I never say I've got flu. (It's always specific for me, so I always use an article.)
I would say I've got swine flu (when I know specifically what I have and want to let other people know that they should back up even more than usual).


swine flu === pig flu
bird flu === avian flu

//=== 一般感冒(common cold)與流感(flu)


◎ cough

◎ sore throat

◎ stuffy nose 鼻塞

◎ runny nose

◎ sneezing


◎ nauseous 噁心

◎ fever

◎ chills and sweats 冒冷汗

◎ severe body aches

//=== 我感冒了
I had a cold.
I caught a cold.
I have got a cold and still cough now.

I have caught a cold.

仍未痊愈 have not yet recovered
He was recovering from a severe bout of flu. 他患了严重的流感

""" ...

2. I've got a runny nose. / My nose is running.

3. I've got a sore throat.

4. I've been coughing day and night.

5. I can't stop sneezing.

6. ... I'm running a high fever.

7. I've got a very bad headache. / This headache is killing me.

8. I feel sore and ache all over.

10. I feel dizzy. / My head is swimming.


//=== 祈語/祝語
Take care of yourself.
Get well soon.