Tuesday, November 28, 2017

pull off vs write off

//=== pull off
Here's a quick recap of how Amazon pulled off this market-smashing performance,
(拉出 一波 超乎市場預期的表現)

(使勁)摘掉, 脫掉.
They pulled off their stockings.

The plan was difficult and risky, but we pulled it off.

1. pull off= take off 脫下
例句: He pulled off his wet jeans.

pull on 穿上
例句: It’s so cold now. Pull on your jacket.

2. pull off 成功
例句: His project looked impossible, but he pulled it off.

3. pull off 車停到路邊
例句: I pulled off the road and stopped to look around.

//=== write off

write off在會計裡的意思為-註銷、勾消、報廢....代表不能收回的資金等!
to accept that a debt will not be paid or that money has been lost:

write off a debt, loss,

註銷, 取消, 勾消. write off a debt, loss, etc. 勾銷一項債款、損失等.
2. 輕而易舉地寫成; 迅速寫出; 一口氣寫成.
3. 發信(索取贈品或訂貨). 4. 把...看作不存在; 放棄. 5.

Many investors write Amazon off ? due to its sky-high price-to-earnings ratio.
The stock currently trades at 300 times trailing earnings and 150 times forward estimates.

//=== write sth off

to accept that an amount of money has been lost or that a debt will not be paid:
The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries.

to be able to use the cost of something you have bought to reduce the amount of tax you owe:
You might be able to write off the car as a business expense.