Thursday, August 24, 2017


撿到/拾獲 東西 的英文 不是 pick up !!
撿到東西 !== 把東西撿起來


pick up the phone 拿起電話,
pick up the scraps of paper 把紙屑撿起來,

pick up 也可以當成"接"的意思,
例如從機場接機英文就說 pick up sb. from the airport,

路上撿到的 老舊陳沉重的組合音響? 擴大機?

I "found" an old-and-heavy audio amplifier on the "street" ,
picked it up and "dismantled" it into pieces of parts.

* pick up 表示拿起來/撿起來, 並沒有拾獲的意思

* 撿到 --> find and pick it up

* 拆解 , decompose --> dismantle

Living things decompose.

When things like buildings or organizations break down,
typically use words like dismantle or deconstruct to describe the process.


I found a wallet in the taxi the other day. (我前幾天在計程車上撿到皮夾。)
( the other day 指的是幾天前不明確的某一天)

I turned in the wallet I found on the street to the police.

The little boy turned in the money he found on the playground to a teacher.